Hi! Some of you may know me from Instagram. I’ve been documenting my makes @stitchin_camaro for the past year and a half. It’s been so much fun getting to know people all over the world in the sewing community. I’m so grateful for how helpful, inspirational, and collaborative everyone in the community is. I enjoy sharing and learning on Instagram and thought I would extend that into a blog!

A sewing machine gift quickly turned into an obsession…
In 2016, my mom bought me a sewing machine for Christmas and I haven’t been able to part with it since. My mother is a fantastic quilter and she was so excited that we could share a love of sewing. Little did she know that sewing machine would open a door to an obsession. Sewing has been far beyond a hobby – it’s an outlet for my creativity, a chance to challenge myself, and often the most effective therapy. I know that sewing has played a similar role for my mom and I’m so glad we get to share this hobby together!
In the past two years, my sewing skills have really expanded. I went from being too afraid to sew anything besides a t-shirt, to regularly sewing menswear with sleeve plackets and collars.

When I used to go to fabric stores I was entirely overwhelmed by all of the choices and colorful fabrics. Now after years of practice and making mistakes, I have finally honed in on the fabrics that work for me and my closet – fabric shopping is now hands down my favorite pastime!

The past few years have been full of sewing mistakes and fails, but I’ve continued to try new things and expand my skills – I owe most of that to the other members of the sewing community. The daily inspiration and support that sewists provide each other has been invaluable in my sewing journey. I feel so lucky to be able to connect with sewists all over the world. That’s where this blog comes in – I really wanted to keep connecting and sharing my makes with other sewists. This blog is primarily for me to document the things I make, but hopefully it’s also an opportunity for us to connect more, share our inspiration, and learn from each others’ skills.